Sunday, April 19, 2015


I know that I have not posted in forever!!! I still have a winter theme on my blog! How crazy is that? Why I have not been posting though is that I feel like I haven't been reaching out to a lot of people through this blog and that I felt like I was spending my time on something that in the end wasn't going to do anything or help anyone. I also wasn't having fun posting like I used to. Because of that I stopped posting or even visiting this blog. But, if you guys didn't know already, I discovered Instagram! I saw so many Christian accounts made by teenage girls that were posting inspiring things and reaching out to thousands (literally) of people on Instagram! It was so cool to see these girls reaching out and evangelizing to lots of people! I thought for awhile and decided that making a Christian Instagram was something I wanted to do. So, on January 9th, 2015 I made @all.for.his.glory . I started with 0 followers  and 0 clue how to manage an account. Today, I have 1192 followers and counting! I also have started a new and better blog that is connected to my Instagram that is here: . I also have a Facebook page and Google+ page that connects to my Instagram!!! The links to those are at my blog! This all means that I am permanently  going to stop posting on this blog. Sorry guys! I hope you go visit the link to my other blog and check out the social media sites linked to it! Thank you guys for following me while this lasted!