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Anyway, today is Elephant Appreciation day. I have no idea why it is Elephant Appreciation day, but I thought it would be fun to share random facts about elephants :).
Fact 1) Elephants go through the longest pregnancy of 22 months
Fact 2) Elephants don't actually like peanuts.
Fact 3) African elephants cannot run. In order to run they'd have to lift all four feet from the ground.
Fact 4) Elephants can get sunburned. In order to prevent sunburns, they roll in sand.
Fact 5) The largest elephant was a male at 24,000 pounds and he was 13 feet at the shoulder.
Fact 6) The average weight of an elephants heart is 27 to 46 pounds
Fact 7) Elephants purr, like cats, as a way of communication
Fact 8) An elephant's trunk has 40,000 muscles in it
Fact 9) Elephants use their ears to cool down their body temperature because of the many blood vessels in their ears.
Fact 10) Elephants can hear each other's calls made by their trunks from 5 miles away.
I hope you enjoyed these random facts about elephants :)! They are quite awesome animals and I hope you learned a lot about them! Happy Animal Appreciation day! Also, since tomorrow (September 23rd) is the first day of fall, I have changed the look of the blog to an autumn theme! I hope you like it! See ya'll! ~Azzi~
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