Wednesday, May 28, 2014

New Schedule

I have gotten some feedback concerning my schedule. I have heard that posting multiple posts a day is a bit overwhelming, but I still want to post the things I was planning on posting; so I have decided to post daily. If I miss a day, then I will either try to make up for it, or I will skip that day and go on. So, now that I have my new schedule, it will look like this: Sunday- No posts (unless it is the first week of the month in which I will post a photo challenge for the month). Monday- Bible Verse of the week. Tuesday- New poll and Crafty Tuesday. Wednesday- Fashion Way Wednesday (I will post a Polyvore creation I made). Thursday- Picture (I'll post a picture). Friday- Journal prompt. Saturday- results from the poll and my reflection of the Bible verse. So, there you go. Soon, later today I will post my Polyvore creation for Fashion Way Wednesday and tomorrow we will be completely on schedule! Thanks again for hanging in there!

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